we're not something you're familiar with - and that may just be what you're looking for

shiny things is a collective of people in Western Australia who either live with a disability ourselves, or are caring for someone we love who lives with disability. All members are gifted with personal and professional living experience. shiny things' strengths lay in creating and providing handcrafted solutions to people living with complex needs who experience difficulty in finding appropriate support

whether you want to train your support team, go on a mindful adventure, do something totally different, improve your skills, or find out the meaning of life the universe and everything... shiny things is waiting for you!

our creative crew knows how to build unique resources for your life through your plan or self-managed individualised funding. Explore the possibilities; you'll find mentors, courses, adventures and opportunities that you won't find anywhere else...

  • our mentors are a great bunch of human beings who bring both the usual, and the unusual, to your life
  • our short courses and carer training resources get to the heart of diversity; practical, valuable and useful no matter who you are, and
  • our adventures are made to explore the less comfy places in life - and at your pace

at shiny things we invite you to open your heart and imagine...

what we do best & where

shiny things chooses to support people living with 'complex' psychosocial or intellectual disability

from Mandurah to Mount Claremont, we specialise in higher intensity support and capacity building. Some of the more unique things we do also reach into the Peel, SouthWest & Wheatbelt regions

if you're navigating your first plan, or need a provider to competently step in when existing services have failed, this is where we excel

knowledge is power

you don't need to be a shiny participant or participate in the ndis to benefit from our training resources... and we love sharing what we've learned!

  • if your support workers need to update their skills
  • if you want to know more about disability
  • if your carer wants to know how best to support you
  • if your abn holders need a hand to set up the paperwork

improving skills & abilities, or creating new ones, shiny things has the resources to make life that little bit easier for you AND your team

our story

shiny things started as a resource for a diverse bunch of disability workers in 2019. As people living with multiple unmet needs lost support services due to commercial decisions, we were asked if we could create something that embraced the complexities of life in ways that honoured choice, control and a good life

shiny things responded and began co-producing alternatives with NDIS Participants, Guardians, Nominees and Mentors. All of us looked to social enterprise to deliver the social impact needed in the gap. After 12 months of listening and learning... and after many, many conversations... here we are; exploring disability uniquely, experiencing diversity unusually, and enjoying education, resources and adventures together

shiny things resides in the unusual and the unique... in YOU.


shiny things acknowledges and honors the fundamental value and dignity of all people. We bring diverse traditions, identities, heritages, and experiences with us in being who we are, doing what we do, and caring for the places we live and work

get social with us...

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